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How To Reach Out To Local Business Leads

For many people, their businesses are their primary source of income and the way they provide for their families. In order for a business to continue generating a steady source of income, and to grow, a business needs to seek new clients. Anyone who's been in business for a day can tell you how competitive it is. Your customers have plenty of businesses to choose from so you have to go out and find them. It's hard to be found by new customers, but luckily in the age of the internet we have thousands of platforms and means to advertise and market ourselves.

There are many ways to start with lead generation and it can be done through platforms like Google and social media. Many businesses also like to use a landing page along with other methods to generate leads. Using landing pages effectively can be a great way to gather leads, but first you have to get your leads to visit them.

Whether your business is online or offline both avenues are great for getting the word out about what your business is doing. Many believe multimedia marketing is only for the big dogs in the business, but local companies have many avenues before them as well.

1: Paper Publication Advertising

If you're trying to draw in certain groups or demographics, local magazines or newspapers may be the way to go. This is a great way to reach people locally and to reach a specific audience since magazines and paper publications that operate by subscription will cater to a certain audience. By using local publications you also have a higher probability of reaching people in the neighborhood. Even in 2020 there are still ways to be effective in newspaper advertising as well.

2: Online Paid Ads

Pay per click and similar methods of online advertising are still alive and well and with customizable tools and targeting options, ads on platforms like Google, Instagram and Facebook are becoming better than ever. These platforms allow you to set custom budgets and running times as well as specialized goals and targeting options. Social media is ideal for reaching customers because you can reach out to potentially millions or even billions all over the world, but you can narrow them to those who are most likely to take an interest in your business. Local businesses can utilize this incredible option as well, since the ads programs allow you to also target your customers geographically and may even be able to track local behaviors like store visits. Many businesses are using social media to advertise their business as well as to generate leads on platforms like Facebook. Online ads are the ideal way to reach out to potential clients and customers as well as prospective leads globally, nationally, and yes, locally, at the click of a button.

3: Google

Google is the most widely used search engine in the world. While the platform allows you to potentially reach millions or perhaps even billions of customers all over the world, it's also ideal for gathering local leads and clients as well. Did you know? More than half of smart phone users locally find services on Google by simply typing a business or service name then the words “near me” into search engines to find what they need locally. Optimizing your business webpage, landing page, and social media page as well as local results is an ideal way to find the people you need locally. All local entrepreneurs should consider optimizing their listings on Google My Business.
4: Business Cards

Local businesses are still often relying on tried and true methods, and where the modernization of the digital age hasn't rendered these methods obsolete it has in many ways improved them. Online websites like Vistaprint make it easier than ever to print paper promotional materials like business cards and flyers to help you get the word out in person when the times comes. Design is made easy by online wizards or cheap freelancer services, and if you prefer not to wait for shipment you can even pick them up at your local Stores that offer this service.

Business cards are still a tried and true method for networking and reaching out to local clients and should be carried on you at all times. Often business owners have complained of networking and business opportunities arising in daily conversation, only to realize they had nothing to give the potential client who may have been to rushed to take down a number. Business cards are still a great way to make people aware of your business, social media pages, web pages, and may even be a great way to draw local traffics to your leads pages.

5: Direct Mail

Many in the business world still have mixed views about direct mail marketing, but it is certainly still effective even as a means of lead generation. It takes some work and research but you can market and reach out to leads effectively through direct mail marketing and it is an assured way to reach out to local leads since you know all your recipients are in the neighborhood. Direct mail marketing may not be as effective as it used to be, but many businesses are still using as effective way to expand their client base.

6: Automated Programs

One thing that's making life easier for business owners of every size and stripe, is the development of software that automates and streamlines the process. Programs like Macroleads allows you to organize your leads and reach out far more effectively to potential clients, all while saving precious time.

The Marketing Tip To Boost Your Sales: Sending “We Haven’t Seen You In A While” Cards With An Incentive To Buy

Most businesses tend to practically ignore their prospects and even their best clients. This is a horrible thing to do, as you’d be leaving a ton of money on the table in doing so.

One thing that you can do to help remind your prospects and customers about you is to send either an e-mail or a card with something like a thank you note along with an incentive to take some further action (like a discount or a freebie leading into a sales offer of yours).

For instance, if you have leads that haven’t bought from you but who’ve expressed an interest of some kind, you can either automatically (via an autoresponder) or manually follow-up with them by writing an e-mail saying how you haven’t seen them in a while, want to thank them for previously reaching out, and then letting them know about either a freebie you’re currently offering, which can lead into a paid offer, or a discount or other incentive/deal that you currently have. This can help revive old, “dead” leads into being active buyers.

Likewise, if you have existing clients that bought one of your offerings but haven’t been active since, you can send them a thank you for being a customer along with a similar freebie or special discount/offer exclusively for your members/customers into some other offer you have. This can be a great and easy way to make more sales without a ton of effort.

So follow up with old leads and past customers with a “we haven’t seen you in a while” message, thank you note, etc., along with a freebie, incentive, or discount to help drive more sales from them your way while also making them feel appreciated at the same time.

For more easy ways stay in contact with your customers and drive sales to your business, check out this tool BizFire's Free Funnel Maker & Analyzer.

Why Your Website Never Ranks Well

In terms of cost-efficiency, the most crucial method for attracting traffic to your website is through organic searches. They allow you to reach people who don't even know about your site initially but are searching for a specific product or service related to your website. The primary factor of the success in organic searches boils down to the ranking of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs).
There are a ton of factors that may contribute to your website may not be ranking well on search engines. Some of these reasons are:

A Slow Website

Millions of search results are available to the user as soon as they enter a keyword into a search engine like Google. With such a massive amount of data available on the Web, it's become challenging to hold users' attention for extended periods of time.

Pages that load faster not only provide excellent user experiences but also play a huge role in SEO ranking. Site speed is an official search ranking algorithm in Google that should be kept in mind during website development and management. If your website is not being ranked well, you must ensure that it can be loaded quickly on any desktop along with mobile devices. Mobile site speed is just as important.

Ambiguous Keywords and Title Tags

Ranking your website will become difficult; it is not clear to search engines what kind of products, services, and solutions you are providing to your users and their concerns. Content must be made clear. Make it easily understandable people, what they are reading. The use of appropriate keywords is a necessity in achieving clarity in your content.
Title tags are a crucial part of website ranking. Tags that start with a critical keywords perform much better than those in which the keyword is placed in different positions. Make sure that the title tags of your website are appropriate and work with the content of your website.

Similarly, many publishers make the mistake of writing an ambiguous descriptions and headings that are not related to the content of the page. As a result, such pages are penalized in the ranking.

Unoptimized Content

Content optimization is essential for the ranking of a website. It includes the optimization of the written content as well as images, audio, and other visuals used on a website. Many people use Google to search visual content, and if your website does not have optimized images, it is unlikely to be ranked high on the SERPs. High-quality images, videos, infographics, and other media content must be used to provide a good signal to Google for more top content ranking.

Poor Quantity and Quality of Inbound Links

Generally, a large number of links from other websites to your pages will ensure a high ranking of your website. The quality of the links also matters in this regard, so the links should originate from authority websites.
Irregular Publishing

It is not enough to just publish an optimized post on your website every week or so. Instead, the publishing should be regular and consistent to boost website rankings.

It has been shown that many websites are don't rank well because of irregular publications. Usually, SEO ranking experts suggest uploading at least two to three high-quality posts per week. Regular updates from your website help in engaging your audience, and the traffic will increase too.

The latest content on your sites makes it clear to search engines that you are still active on the website and working on it to make the content fresh and relevant. Moreover, the material should be adapted according to the circumstances of the publication time. In other words, stay up to date. This way, you're most likely to rank very high on search engines. Why? Because your page will provide relevant content about what's going on NOW.

SEO Practices are not being followed

SEO is one of the hottest topics in website management today. Many courses, books, blogs, and guides are available on the internet about the best practices of SEO. Having an SSL certification on your website, using suitable title tags, uploading relevant content, writing engaging meta descriptions, and implementing on-page SEO practices are some of the many latest SEO trends that increase the ranking of your website.

The focus of strong SEO is how content of your website will stand out in the search engines to ensure its ranking improves. If you've had trouble ranking your website, you probably haven't implemented good SEO practices.
If you have a website that's not seeing the ranks you desire consider programs like Web Fire. You'll be able to root out issues with your website and substantially improve its rankings in a fraction of the time and cost it would entail if you tried to go without.

How to Improve Your Marketing and Create Hot New Products That Your Customers Already Want

How can you improve your marketing and create new products - products that your customers already want? Simple. Ask for feedback from your customers and see what the common themes are. What do your customers like most about your product? How can you focus on that more in your marketing? What do they believe that your product/service currently lacks? Think about how you can use their feedback to create a new/improved service and offer that to your customers.

For example, perhaps you have a business that creates websites and the common feedback that your customers give is that they wish you also helped rank their site on search engines. You could create an additional service, where for a monthly fee you help rank their website. If you don’t know how to do this yourself, you could always outsource this part, but white label it as your own service - you still make a profit on the service, but don’t need to do any of the work. You can offer this to your current customers, saying that due to their feedback and the demand, you’ve created this service to help them with what they want most.

Ask for feedback from your customers, specifically on what they like most and what they dislike most/wish you offered. Use the feedback, on what they like most, and highlight it in your marketing. With what they like least/wish you did, create an additional or improved service/product and offer it to your customers.

For more great marketing ideas to improve your business check out this book 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!

How to market to B2B Lead

One of the most important things to understand is that leads are far more than just random people who might be interested in your business. A lead is someone who needs what your business has to offer. The only thing you should have to do is capture their attention and easily be able to convince them that your products and services supply that need.

The generation of high quality leads is the most important part of business-to-business(B2B) marketing. Solid leads ensure steady growth and income. Some of the most important straategies you can consider are:

Creating and Publishing High-Quality Content Regular

All the techniques and strategies to promote your business and generate more leads boil down to the one thing that is most important in any online presence, the content. It's true to say that content is the king in any regard. You must make sure that the material published on your webpage is high-quality, reliable, and engaging to your users.

High-quality content enhances the reliability and credibility of your business and further plays a huge role in expanding your customer base via better ranking on search engines. Make sure that your website is providing some insightful information to your visitors and is not dull in tone and writing style.

Regular and consistent content publication is also key in keeping customers engaged with your business and any of the latest updates associated with it. An informative, engaging, and entertaining piece of content will grab eyeballs and establish loyalty among customers.

Develop Referral Programs

Research has shown that B2B companies with good referrals programs have a 70% higher conversion rates and good sales as well. A satisfied customer will market your business to others via word of mouth. Referral programs are essential in the success of any business.

There are many ways of creating a good program. You can create referral codes that are easily customized and provide discounts to potential customers. It facilitates the marketing team of a company to determine the source of the majority of your leads and to learn how many of them are converting into loyal customers for your products or services.

Create an Optimized and Engaging Landing Page

The landing page of your business website must be able to captivate the users' attention via proper design and be stylish. You have to set it apart from competitors, so consider viewing their landing pages first.
The page should be optimized according to the SEO standards. Moreover, it's unnecessary to add all of your most generous offers and discounts on the landing page because research suggests that a grand, single offer is far more enticing to potential customers rather than aoverwhelming them numerous offers placed on the same page.

The goal of the business should be made crystal clear on the landing page. Your message about your products, services, and unique selling proposition should be unambiguous. The primary goal of an optimized landing page is to convert the users into leads, rather than conversions. Make the content exciting and engaging for the users and convince them of the importance and quality of your business.

Landing Page Forms

The forms used on a landing page should be clear, concise, and engaging, which makes it easier for potential leads to enter their information. In this way, you can create B2B leads and market your business successfully.

Marketing via Social Media for B2B Lead Generation

Social media has become an essential part of peoples' lives around the world. Such heavy use of social media means your business has a good chance of attracting people from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Company pages on LinkedIn are also perfect for lead generation with professionals and entrepreneurs. Linkedin is an ideal B2B marketing platform. Such professionals often search LinkedIn for products and services as well as employees. Your business standing out on LinkedIn, could be a major key to success.

Marketing through social media is also crucial because businesses can interact with potential customers directly and answer their queries instantly. As a result, users are more likely to take interest in your business, following any new updates about it through social media accounts.

Social media advertising doesn't just work for consumer marketing models. Various platforms on social media, including Facebook, are becoming popular marketing tools for B2B leads.

Ads on these websites reach hundreds of thousands of people, sometimes more. They can be specifically targeted to a group of users based on their gender, age, and interests. As a result, many highly relevent leads can be generated this way.


Pay-per-click (PPC) is a highly efficient but expensive tool for marketing and lead generation. If your marketing is laser-focused on the target audience of your business, you are likely to generate plenty of leads via PPC. However, modern technology, like different ad blockers, can impede this process because it is also possible that some of your targeted users may not even view the ads if they are blocking them.

Automatated Programs

If you need help marketing your business and B2B lead generation, you might be interested in the Macroleads program for an easy way to generate successful B2B leads marketing. You can automate and streamline the process saving you time while simultaneous increasing the efficiency of your marketing.

How Going For The "Big Fish" Deals Can Increase Your Business

Too often business owners try to fight over the scraps. They try to make deals or land sales with anyone and everyone that they can find, regardless of if those deals are barely worth any money to them.

It’s amazing what can happen when you try to go for the bigger clients or choose bigger businesses to partner with. Just a single deal can often make for a very good month (or even year!).

There’s two main ways of doing this. First, you can target more high-end prospects with higher end offerings. By raising your prices and offering more “done for you” services and products, you can try to target the elite buyers instead of focusing on being the low-priced leader barely scraping by. The second way is to try to focus on big “competitors,” or on other business owners who are far bigger than you in a similar market, but not necessarily competing, and then trying to strike a deal with them to sell or promote your offers (for a big cut). If you make this hands-free, super easy, and very profitable for them, you’d be surprised how many are willing to do deals with you.

One way of doing the second suggestion here is by offering to white label your product or service. This is where you allow someone to sell your offer as their own while you do all the work to fulfill it. This can be a win-win for both, as they can get a good cut of the sale for doing virtually nothing except making easy sales for you, while you fulfill the sales, do the support, and make lots of extra sales without having to spend money on advertising or do any marketing yourself. A single big fish deal like this can make an entire business.

One thing that still amazes us to this day is that it’s often just as hard to make a huge sale or business deal as it is to make a tiny sale or business deal, yet the vast majority of people tend to focus on the little fish because they don’t think they’re able to land a bigger deal! This can be applied to almost any aspect of business – whether it be finding big players to partner with, selling high end products / services, or even just being an affiliate for more expensive products! Quite often times it’s just as hard to sell a $5,000 product as it is to sell a $50 product, as long as you’re targeting the right kind of prospects. One just results in you making a lot more.

Try going for the big fish now and then, whether by going after more elite prospects, at higher prices with better offers, or by seeking out big partnerships to do white label deals, where they sell your offers for you for a cut.

For more great marketing and sales tips to increase your business, check out this book 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

How Offering A Premium Support Service Can Increase Your Profits And Margins

You’ve probably bought electronics before and been offered the purchase an additional warranty. Or maybe you’ve purchased furniture before and been offered a white glove service to deliver and setup your new couch.

These are all examples of premium support services that can have very large profit margins, so even if only a smaller percentage of customers take you up on them, they can add a lot to your bottom line.

Some of these premium support services can be at little to no cost to you. For instance, one business we’ve seen had a warranty offer where you could get free replacement charger cables forever on your phone, if they ever fail, for a small one time extra fee as long as you just cover the small shipping and handling fee. However, these cables have such huge margins anyway that the small S&H fee literally covered the cost of the cables and the shipping. The “warranty” that was sold was essentially 100% pure profit, despite how it would appear to be an awesome deal for the buyers (paying $5 for S&H instead of $29 for a new cable sounds like, and is, a pretty good deal).

You can even sell access to one on one help, a Facebook group page for extra (and faster) help, etc. Some of these offers you can literally put together in a few minutes, yet some people will naturally buy them just because they think they might have a use for it one day.

Another example would be offering faster support, faster shipping, faster service, etc. All of these can have huge margins for little to no extra work!

So brainstorm at least a couple of extra premium support services that you can offer your buyers (like extra warranties, faster support, faster service, etc.) that come with huge margins despite not really increasing your costs much, if at all.

To find out more tweaks that could drastically change and increase your business, check out our business analyzing tool here BizFire's Free Business Analyzer and Growth Tool.

How Outsourcing An Offer That You Sell Can Make More Money For Your Business

There’s only so much time in the day, and although it can be a great idea to add extra services that you sell and fulfill yourself, it’s not...