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How to Drive Sales and Traffic to Your Business Using Social Media Influencers

Did you know that some big influencers out there online can literally drive millions of dollars in sales, with a single post on social media, or mention on a big blog? In fact, there’s even billion-dollar businesses that have gotten their start from single big influencers mentioning their products.

And, surprisingly enough, it’s easier to do than you might think. Sure, it might be far harder to do a multi-million dollar launch overnight from a big star mentioning you just to be nice, but there’s plenty of well-known influencers that can still drive a ton of sales your way (and you never know when you might get lucky by landing a bigger one).

To increase your chances of this, you should take the time to reach out to these big influencers, blogs, news sites, etc., and offer them your products for free in the hopes that they’d be willing to review them.

Sometimes you can even pay these influencers to mention your products. And although some of the biggest influencers out there cost some serious money to do that, others will do it for virtually pennies on the dollar (think about it - $100 or so for a minute or two of their time is a very good deal for some even semi well known influencers).

Not sure how to find these influencers? Don’t overthink it! Search social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, etc., on top of forums, blogs, big news sites, magazines, etc., and then reach out to them directly on those sites (either via messaging or finding an e-mail address).

You can also do a twist on this method by reaching out to relevant blogs, news editors (magazines or big news sites), as well as others in the media, and then offer to write up an article for them on a topic related to your product. As long as it’s not just a promotion, several of these editors often times are tasked with writing new articles but don’t necessarily want to do all the research and writing themselves. If you do the work for them, allow them to edit it any way that they want, and aren’t too sales pitchy, you can land some big publicity with some big influencer sites.

So take the time to identify and reach out to influencers and big sites to see if they’d be willing to mention your product (even if for a price) or review it for a free copy. Just a couple of deals can create a big boost in sales for you!

For more ways you can use social media to drive sales to your business, check out this tool here News Poster.

How to Access A Whole New Set of Leads By Partnering With Other Businesses

Looking for new customers? Or a way to make a whole bunch more sales? You’re going to love this strategy then! Think about other business that you could partner with, that you don’t directly compete with, where you could offer value that will make you both a lot of money. Think about the customers a business already has, and whether those same customers would be interested in your own product or service. Now, think of how you can make your offer a win-win for you and the other business. This is a great way to access a whole new database of potential clients for yourself, and give the business you’re partnering with an opportunity to upsell their current clients by offering them your service (for a cut of your fee).

For example, if you sell homemade candles, reach out to boutiques to see if they'd be willing to sell your candles (even without them buying them first - just sharing in the sales). Or if you sell a social media management or SEO service, reach out to web design firms that might not offer your services to their clients, but offer them a good chunk of the sales PLUS offer to do all the work, support, etc. for their customers AND let them market it as their own (a win-win for both).  Or if you're a programmer or have a tool of your own, reach out to market leaders in your industry who might be able to sell a lot of your product and let them white label it (sell it as their own) for a good cut of the profits while you just maintain it and do support for it. One good deal here can be more than a full-time living or a good little business all by itself.

We’ve started six and seven figure businesses by making such deals, and it all starts with just reaching out when you know both sides can benefit.

So have a look for other businesses that you don’t directly compete with that you could partner with. Then look at how them selling your product can be a win-win, whether it’s a share in sales, fulfilling a need their clients have but they don’t offer (and allowing them to market the service as their own) or white labeling your product for their clients.

To find businesses to partner with, check out our business lead tool here: Macroleads

How Offering A Premium Support Service Can Increase Your Profits And Margins

You’ve probably bought electronics before and been offered the purchase an additional warranty. Or maybe you’ve purchased furniture before and been offered a white glove service to deliver and setup your new couch.

These are all examples of premium support services that can have very large profit margins, so even if only a smaller percentage of customers take you up on them, they can add a lot to your bottom line.

Some of these premium support services can be at little to no cost to you. For instance, one business we’ve seen had a warranty offer where you could get free replacement charger cables forever on your phone, if they ever fail, for a small one time extra fee as long as you just cover the small shipping and handling fee. However, these cables have such huge margins anyway that the small S&H fee literally covered the cost of the cables and the shipping. The “warranty” that was sold was essentially 100% pure profit, despite how it would appear to be an awesome deal for the buyers (paying $5 for S&H instead of $29 for a new cable sounds like, and is, a pretty good deal).

You can even sell access to one on one help, a Facebook group page for extra (and faster) help, etc. Some of these offers you can literally put together in a few minutes, yet some people will naturally buy them just because they think they might have a use for it one day.

Another example would be offering faster support, faster shipping, faster service, etc. All of these can have huge margins for little to no extra work!

So brainstorm at least a couple of extra premium support services that you can offer your buyers (like extra warranties, faster support, faster service, etc.) that come with huge margins despite not really increasing your costs much, if at all.

To find out more tweaks that could drastically change and increase your business, check out our business analyzing tool here BizFire's Free Business Analyzer and Growth Tool.

How To Unban Your Banned Facebook Advertising Account

There is nothing more frustrating than going to run a Facebook ad and seeing it disapproved or banned completely. Even worse is when Facebook deactivates your ads account as a whole. People experience this with their business and personal accounts all the time. It can be devastating, especially if you can't get back online. Still, if your account has been banned from running ads, it may not be the end of the world.

New or Reinstated

The First step you will need to take is to figure out what's going on and with which account. If your Facebook business account has been disabled, you may simply be able to create a new one and try to be careful in the future. If your personal Facebook account has been disabled, however, there may be something going that is much more serious. Creating a new personal Facebook account for ads will probably not be possible since Facebook is usually very meticulous about tracing duplicates.

First Things First, Visit The Ads Manager

Before you do anything, you will want to visit your main marketing control center on Facebook, the Facebook Ads manager for business. Once you're in the Facebook Ads Manager, you should see a yellow bar at the top that indicates your account is no longer active. This box should contain a link that you can click. Once you click, it should guide you through a series of instructions and questions that you guide you through the process of reinstating your account.

Alternatively, you can also go all the way up to the support center, which may be hard to spot at first. It should appear in the top-right corner at a "?" logo. A scroll-down menu will pop out. Navigate to the bottom of the screen where it says you need "more help" and contact customer support.

Check Your Email

If for some reason you're not seeing this yellow bar and the Facebook ads manager isn't working for you, check your email. Check both your spam and your inbox folders to see if Facebook contacted you there. This email, too, should contain a link guiding you through the process.

Go Directly To The Source

If neither of the above options are working for you, you can still appeal directly to Facebook, depending on the nature of your concern. If your Facebook ads account was simply restricted, for example, because it was flagged for suspicious activity, you can visit this linkand follow the steps there to contact Facebook directly. Meanwhile, if your account was disabled completely, you can contact them here.

There is a real possibility that Facebook may have been wrong, or we simply made a simple mistake that Facebook may understand. Simply explain your situation politely and diplomatically, and with as much information and detail as possible. If you word your appeal right, you may get your ads account back in business.

Prevention is The Best Medicine

Having your Facebook ads account disabled for any reason can be disastrous, and a downright business nightmare. It may not be the end of the world, but if you can avoid this ordeal, do so at all costs. Prevention is usually key, and you should consider the following points to stay in business and on top of your Facebook ads game:

-Familiarize yourself with all of Facebook's guidelines and Ad policies, any violations could get you cut off the platform completely, and you don't want that!
-Have a legal expert draft your privacy policy, refund policy, terms & conditions, and custom disclaimers. They are required, well-written ones are a plus
-Landing pages, in most cases should include your business name and contact information
-Optimize user experiences. Don't advertise sites full of pop-ups, broken links, or poorly structured text that provides them with a poor experience
-Don't publish ads that are spammy, clickbaitish, or even borderline offensive
-Always make sure all info is 100% accurate and true in all your content
-Once your account is reinstated (if disabled), try to use a different payment method from the old one in order to avoid an accidental penalty from Facebook, and having to go through this again.

Since you're already doing advertising on Facebook, you should definitely check out this free trial of Automated Ads where you can automate your Facebook advertising as though you have a pro ad manager but without the need of paying a fortune!

How Offering A Free Plus Shipping Offer Can Build Your List And Lead To Big Upsells

One of the best things you can do to get people to take action, especially online, is to offer a free plus shipping & handling offer. These offers have an obvious HUGE value because nothing beats free, and by having them pay a small S&H fee, they still see the value in the free product, despite how often times your products’ costs might be completely covered in this S&H fee.

For instance, if you go to a site like, which specializes in drop-shipping products of all sorts, you can find lots of jewelry, pet toys, gadgets, etc. for under $2 that already include free shipping. Some of these have perceived values of easily $10 to $30 or more.

That means that your customers get an awesome deal by thinking they got the bargain of a lifetime, while you also get a steal of a deal by getting a new customer at better than no cost to you (if the product and shipping costs $2, for instance, you’re up $3 in profit just by charging a $5 S&H fee).

Obviously, it’s hard to strike it rich at a few bucks at a time, which is why you want to treat these offers as only an entry point into your sales funnel/offers. You want to offer them additional upsells, other products/services on your backend, and take full advantage of their e-mail address to reach out with additional offers in the future, as everything from that point on could be pure profit for you (at least in terms of no advertising costs).

We’ve started entire businesses around this model. You can really up your profits here, like we did, by not only getting lots of front-end buyers in with an amazing free plus S&H deal, but by then offering several related upsells, including a recurring one with a big bonus worth more than the first payment, which can skyrocket your conversions into your biggest money makers in your funnel. This all sets you up to get great conversions both on your cheap front-end to get a lot of buyers, but also get great conversions on your upsells that make your real money. Never underestimate the power of getting something for free or a big bonus with a smaller purchase.

So consider an impulse buy product with a free plus S&H offer where you don’t lose money after collecting the small S&H charge.  Then upsell additional offers to make the most of your money.

For more help mapping out your upsells and sales funnels, so you can look at how you can increase your business, check out this software that helps you build out your sales funnel. BizFire's Free Funnel Maker & Analyzer

Why Businesses Need To Use Social Media?

In the past few years, social signals have become an essential part of a business' website ranking. These trends have only increased as the use of social media has become highly popular around the world. A well-executed social media marketing strategy can greatly boost your business.

Social media is essential for businesses to keep in direct contact with their customers, especially their most loyal ones. Through social media, existing, as well as potential customers for your brand, will have direct access to information about all of the critical updates and additions to your business. For a strong internet presence, you need to make sure that your business's social media accounts are updated frequently and consistently. Engaging and consistent social media content will establish steady interaction with customers and visitors to the page.

If you have a business and you are not using social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to promote and market your business, you are likely to lose a large number of potential customers. Too many entrepreneurs have underestimate their importance in the marketplace. Social media has become an enormous market for all kinds of companies.

Some of the most important and direct benefits of having social media platforms for your business are:

Increased traffic

Social media has the ability to reach people anywhere in the world. Business owners must come to better understand the importance of social media. Social media is playing a huge role expanding businesses reach from one simple location to every corner of the world via the world wide web. Through social media, you can keep your customers updated about your business. Moreover, you can form direct bonds with them by answering their questions and requests online.

With a strong social media presence and strategy, you'll build an audience of people checking in regularly. As customers continue checking your social media profiles and website, it will increase the online traffic you receive. Nowadays, a business must be present on social media because it augments the entire experience of marketing and makes your business conspicuous.

It drives more people to your business site, stores, and landing pages and hence your sales will also increase. More traffic, means more money and more opportunity to grow.

Marketing Through Pictures

Social media plays an important role in the success of a business because it's one of the easiest and quickest ways of marketing a business’ products or services. It's particularly appealing because of it's quick ability to capture people's attention through images. People are visual creatures. They are more likely to take interest in things that have some sort of stylish imagery associated with them. Attractive photos, memes, and other visual graphics should be chosen to go along with the ads you post on social media. More people will see it, and more people will click.

Visual appeal is an important aspect of any type of promotion, and it works wonderfully with social media marketing. If this strategy is executed well, the social media user will learn about your services, and will be more willing to buy.

Images are key to expanding the appeal of your businesses, and social media posts are the magnets that attract your customers' eye to them.

Social Media Marketing Is Easy

Even though there are numerous nuances in social media marketing, it is much easier and more cost-effective than the other types of marketing. With the right experience and skills, and a few tools and programs to help, you can easily design and execute an effective social media marketing strategy.

Businesses often hire special social media teams to manage the business and its online strategy. Most companies understand that the effectiveness of a strong social media presence, and because of that they're willing to invest the time, money, and effort, to make their pages work. With a little energy and capital, you can see similar results. Frankly, every business needs to make the investment if they're going to survive in today's tumultuous marketplace.

Target An Audience

Targeting in promotions and marketing is a vital key to success, and in recent times ad targeting and precise means of promotions has been made available by social media. Targeting a specific group of people for a specific set of products and services is the marketing specialty of most social media platforms.

With social media content and advertising, you can choose to target your ads and posts towards designated genders, age groups, hobbies, and countless other areas. Moreover, you can target people who are most likely to become your customers in later stages. Social media is an absolute necessity for businesses to reach new potential customers in easier ways than ever.

Social media platforms allow you to have a direct conversation with your potential customers. You can answer the questions, address concerns, and even give them direct access to appealing customer testimonials.

International Marketing

The world has indeed become a global village, thanks to better transportation and the latest technology. Communications advances like social media are beginning to connect people all over the world. If you have a business supplying products anywhere in the world, but you don't have the means of spreading information about your business internationally, social media will immensely help you.

Social media platforms of all shapes and sizes are ideal for promoting your products and services as well as educating and informing your regular customers. If you travel a lot yourself, social media is also an ideal way to keep in touch with customers as well as your team. Social media is essential for international businesses in marketing, communications, and other crucial aspects of the company.

Is Social Media Right For All Businesses?

Social media is no longer a trend reserved for young people or teens. There are hundreds of reasons it is important for your business. It is becoming an important aspect in how we live our lives and how we do business all over the world. Even if you don't think social media is important to you, it's probably important to your customer. Business is seeping into every aspect of our cultures and lives. It's becoming more important than ever to execute an effective social media strategy in order to stay on top.

Some programs like News Poster are available to guide you in using social media effectively and promote your business. They can help streamline the process and by making things quicker and easier. Companies all over the world are investing in effective social media strategy and management. With the right program you may find yourself a step ahead at a fraction of what they're investing, and in today's competitive economy, that's becoming more important than ever.

How to create a better Facebook Ad?

An attractive and engaging Facebook ad is the result of a combination of effective strategies. No advertisement can be declared to be perfect as some ads work better than others due to various reasons. The competition in the Facebook ad market is becoming intense. More and more people are realizing the power of this social media giant and hope to utilize the platform to advertise their products and services.

Laser-focused targeting and creativity in Facebook ad creation are some of the essential techniques in creating a great Facebook ad. However, here are some of the other important strategies from which can be adopted to create a better Facebook ad:

Target a specific Audience

The first step in the creation of an ad is to keep in mind the audience for which you are writing the ad. The audience varies from business to business and the primary purpose of your ad.

A tempting thing to do is create a general ad and target millions of people through a single ad. However, this method is like shooting a gun in the air, and probably won't be pretty for your ROI. A better way to attract people is to create a specific Facebook ad in your niche and focus on a smaller number of people that fit your target customer criteria. An ad that's targeted is more likely to engage people because it will be tailored specifically to that audience.

While creating an ad, you must make sure to answer two fundamental questions: "who will be seeing this ad?" and "What is the message of this ad?"

There is no definite number of people that should be targeted through a Facebook ad. The number itself is highly dependent on your type of ad, kind of organization, the type of the audience, and the scale of your customer base. After selecting the target audience, write an ad that speaks directly to the audience. Make sure that the message of the ad resonates with the readers.

Create Multiple Ads and Test Them

Even after spending hours in creating a Facebook ad, it can fall flat. Hence, you should always create different versions of every ad and test them with your target audience to get an idea of which one works the best.

It is essential to follow the formal structure of the Facebook ad, which has three levels – campaign, ad sets, and ads. The process is started by selecting the aim of your ad and naming the campaign. In the ad set level, the target audience is selected, along with the budget and a few other options. Finally, the ad is designed in ads level.

Facebook allows ads published to upload up to six pictures for each ad. Once the ad is posted, these images are automatically rotated by Facebook. It means that Facebook will show all variations of your ad, and the ad, which is resonating the most with the readers, will ultimately be shown more. Thus, creating different versions of an ad and testing them is important to expand your customer base.

Advertise Discounts and Offers

Many people don't even try some new products because they have a fear of wasting their money, which is proved by the psychological concept call loss aversion – people are more fearful of losing things than gaining. To overcome this barrier, you should offer free products, offers like "Buy One Get One Free," discounted products, and free delivery. If you can afford it, you should conduct weekly or monthly free giveaways as well because, in recent times, they have become a vital strategy in cultivating a loyal customer base. These tactics will ensure that the customers are attracted to your ad and more likely to contact you if the offer is enticing for them.

Make sure your ad stands out

There are hundreds of thousands of ads running on Facebook on a daily basis. It has become very difficult to capture the attention of the users. Therefore, it is important to design your ad uniquely and outstandingly to make sure the user clicks on it and not just scroll it down like any other ordinary ad.

The overall design, style, and images used in the ad are very important in captivating the users’ attention. If you use a bright and right image according to the content of your ad, it is more likely to be clicked on by the user.

Use Call-to-Actions (CTA) feature

Along with being an attractive ad, your advertisement should make it easy for people to contact you and your company. Facebook offers a clickable CTA button through which the audience of your ad can call you or message you directly. This feature should be added appropriately in a good ad to facilitate the users in getting in touch with you.

All of these strategies will be useful to you in designing a perfect Facebook ad. Many advertising agencies and professional programs also offer their services in ad designing to make sure your ad stands out on Facebook and attract the target audience. Once you get your ads up and running, choose a Facebook Ad management system like Automated Ads to manage and optimize your ads.

How Outsourcing An Offer That You Sell Can Make More Money For Your Business

There’s only so much time in the day, and although it can be a great idea to add extra services that you sell and fulfill yourself, it’s not...