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How Affiliate Programs Are A Great Way To Bring In More Sales With Less Effort

Want a way to make sales without paying for any ads and with zero risk of losing money in doing so? The obvious answer is a big YES, but very few business owners take advantage of running their own affiliate programs, which can do exactly that!

Affiliate programs are where you offer others a cut of any sale that they send your way. When this is done online, there’s traditionally special “affiliate links” that they get from you. When they send people through those links that later buy from your site, they’d get credited for and paid a percentage of the sale. You can do a similar concept offline just by letting others refer your prospects directly (and manually crediting them), or even by handing out special “unique” coupon codes to others to hand out to their prospects so you know where they came from. This could be a special coupon that you hand out, with a code or ID on it, so you know where it came from. Regardless, in either case you only pay them after a sale is made, which makes it virtually risk free for you.

If you go the online route, there’s various places you can sign-up to, in order to have your offers on their networks, like, (which is great to sell on just by itself),, etc., as they can instantly let affiliates sign-up for and start promoting your offers. Alternatively, there’s also private affiliate programs/scripts out there that you can get free or for fairly cheap to run your own affiliate program without the need for another network.

Regardless of which route you go, don’t expect to magically get lots of affiliates signing up and promoting your offer without you raising a finger. It can take some work to reach out and recruit these affiliates to get them promoting you. It’s best to reach out to those who you can also help in return first, as well as to make sure that you truly have a great converting offer with good payouts to make your offer attractive to these affiliates.

So consider creating an affiliate program and recruiting affiliates to help promote your offers at little to no risk to you. Make sure that you have attractive offers and payouts, and that you proactively reach out to the best affiliate prospects out there.

Liked this strategy? For more tips to increase your sales, check out this book 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

Using Trust To Build Your Business: What You Need To Know To Use Referrals To Your Advantage

Have you ever tried a product or service based on the word of a friend, colleague or family member? Many of us have, because we trust that person and are more likely to take their recommendation over someone we don’t know. This is the power of referrals. Ask your current customers if they have friends, family, or people they know that they think would love your service, then contact those people on behalf of them, offering your services/products. This is a great way to get access to potential new customers, while also having a warm introduction – you’re not cold-calling (or emailing!) them, as you’re essentially being introduced by their trusted friend/family member (your current client).

For example, say you have an ecommerce business where you sell natural beauty products. You could email out to your customers, asking them if they know anyone that would love your products as much as they do.  If so, ask them to pass on the email address of those people and explain you’ll not only offer their friend a free sample of your most popular product, but that they too will receive a bonus 15% off their next purchase online as a thank-you. When you email the new lead with your free sample offer, mention that their friend thought they’d like your products, which is why you’re emailing and would love to offer them this free sample as a gift.

So put the power of referrals to work for you and piggy-back on the trust that your customers have already built with their friends and family. Ask your customers if they know people they think would love your product/service, and if they’d be willing to pass their contact info on to you. Contact those people on their behalf and make them a special offer!

Are you after other great ways to reach new leads? Check out a demo of this software, which can help you find new leads already interested in your niche, and grab a special deal!  Web Fire

How Creating A Sense of Urgency Can Help Improve Sales: Reducing/Offering Free Shipping Within A Certain Time Frame

Don’t you hate it when you’re searching for an item, find it at an amazing price, then see that shipping is going to cost you an arm and a leg? One way to increase your sales, especially over a short period of time, is to reduce the cost of your shipping, or offer a sale period time where shipping is free. By putting a time limit on when you make free shipping available, you add a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to buy now, as opposed to at a later date. It’s also a good way to encourage customers who may have been on the fence to make a purchase now.

For example, say you have a business that sells gardening supplies online. Reach out to your customers and let them know that for any supplies ordered by midnight on Sunday, you’ll offer free delivery. If you have regular customers that place large orders with you, you may even want to reach out and call them. On your website, make sure it’s clear that you have this offer available for a limited time - it may be a pop up on your website or the first thing your customer sees.

So consider, for a limited time, offering reduced or free shipping on your products. The limited time frame creates a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to purchase now, as opposed to at a later date, and encourages customers who may have been on the fence to make the purchase.

For more tips on boosting sales within your business, check out this book 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!.

How to Increase Your Profits by Offering A Range of Different Upsells

Looking for a way to capitalize on the value each customer is worth to you? An easy way to do this is by offering different upsells. Upselling is offering a complimentary or upgraded version of a product/service that a customer is currently purchasing. One of the most well known upsells can be heard when you head into your local fast food joint: “Would you like fries with that?” Even not so great upsells can add a quick 33% or more to your revenue stream.  Some really good upsells or funnels can even double your initial sales or more! An upsell is a great way to increase the total value of a sale.

For example, if you run a dance school, and each class is $15, you could provide a number of upsells. You could offer 3 different upsells, of varying amounts:
Upsell 1 - 4 week course for $50
Upsell 2 - Gold Membership where for $120 a month you can attend as many classes as you like.
Upsell 3 - Pro dance package for $200 a month, which allows you to attend unlimited classes and receive 2 private classes a month.

A good upsell path, often referred to as a funnel, can make or break a business. One model that we’ve used over the years is to offer a crazy deal on the front-end (a low priced, deeply discounted offer or a free plus shipping and handling offer) while having several upsells ranging from continuity offers to high end offers. The money is made in the upsells – not on the front-end – in this case. We’ve started multiple seven figure businesses this way over the years, and the model is easily repeatable in almost any niche, but it wouldn’t be possible without a great upsell path.

But it’s important to note that you don’t have to build a business around an upsell path like we did (although that certainly can work). Just adding one or two upsells to your existing offer can greatly increase your earnings with minimal effort.

For instance, we helped another business owner once with a new offer that he was about to launch. We encouraged him to add at least one upsell to it, but since he was behind on his launch schedule, he was very hesitant and didn’t feel he had enough time to do so. So we said to just create a simple offer based on something he already sells, shoot a quick video on his iPhone, and throw it up on a page to see what happened.

The quality of his video sucked, he looked like he was on zero sleep (or high…), yet when he launched his new offer, the upsell made quite a few sales! In fact, the upsell actually MADE MORE MONEY than the front-end offer itself. It was responsible for about two-thirds of the total money made. That means that if he didn’t follow our advice, his launch would’ve been a third the size that it was (costing him tens of thousands of dollars just in those few days).

Upsells don’t have to be perfect, but you need to have them!

So consider offering a range of differently priced upsells to your customers to increase the total of each sale. Your upsell could be a complimentary or additional option on the offer your customer is already purchasing. Remember, include at least one upsell!

For more great upsell ideas and strategies to grow your business through improving your sales funnel, check out his awesome tool: BizFire's Free Funnel Maker & Analyzer

How to Use What Your Competitor is Doing Well to Improve Your Business

It’s time to check out the competition!! In school it may have been called cheating, but in the business world it’s just good old-fashioned market research!
Find out where your competitors are advertising, spy on their sales funnels, and see how you can replicate any of their good ideas that appear to be working well. There are many online tools to find out what ads and keywords your competitors are using. There’s also a couple of basic ways to see what your competitors are up to - follow them on social media and subscribe to their blogs and newsletters. If they have smaller priced items, you may choose to purchase one of their items to see what their purchase process is like, whether they offer upsells, what those are and what their follow up process is to a sale. See what they are doing really well and look for how you can replicate it or adapt it to your business.

For example, if you sign up to a competitor’s newsletter, you can see how they nurture a lead and turn it onto a sale. Is there anything you see in this process that is working well that you can adopt for your business?
Or you may purchase a small item from them and find they are offering a great upsell - is that something you could do?

A simple trick you can do to spy on other offers is to check ads on other sites or on social media like Facebook and just see how many views, comments, likes, etc. they’re getting. If there’s a ton of comments, for instance, it’s likely something you want to look at and see what you could replicate or do better. You don’t have to always start from scratch or re-invent the wheel.

In fact, several of our businesses we originally got the idea from after seeing other ads with lots of views and comments on them, and then checking out exactly what they sold, what their upsells were, where else they advertised, etc.. And then we’d research to try to find out if there were other similar offers and what they looked like.

Often times we would find ways of offering a better front-end product (they wouldn’t even have to be the same type – just something in the same niche or appealing to the same crowds), more or better upsells, better ad copy, different ad sources, etc..

Sure, we’ve also started new offerings not based on anything else other than a random idea we had, but those always seemed to be more risky and more likely to fail from the start. Starting off with a model that seems to at least be working in one way or another is always a good idea! That’s not to say that you have to copy everything exactly as is, but by spying on what others are successfully doing and seeing what you can learn or mimic from them, you set yourself up to succeed far more easily.

So find out where and how your competitors are advertising and what their sales funnels are. Then look at what they are doing well and see how you can replicate this for your business.

For more insights on how to nurture leads and improve your sales funnel, check out this tool here: BizFire's Free Funnel Maker & Analyzer

How to Show Value and Position Your Price to Encourage Customers to Buy

One way to show value and highlight the great price you’re offering your customers is to point out when you are giving a discount or savings, as this lets customers know you’re giving them a great deal and lots of value. A discount also has a psychological effect - we feel we are getting a better deal and are more likely to buy. Seeing that an item is discounted not only is an incentive to buy it now, it can also encourage new users to buy that might otherwise have not considered it.

For example, when listing your price, you might write: "$97 --- 50% Off Today!" This makes people feel they are getting a great deal, helps them justify the purchase to themselves and is more likely to push them over the line.

If you have several similar offers that are slightly better or more/less expensive than the other, instead of just listing off the benefits of each one next to their price, you can also not only list off the savings, but say “Good Deal,” “Better Deal,” and “Best Deal” next to each one (or “Most Savings” or something similar). Never assume that people will just do the math in their head and know which one is the best deal.

Think about how you can apply this to your business. Can you put a savings amount next to a price point (eg, “$97 --- 50% Off Today!)? This makes customers feel they are getting a great deal and can encourage customers to buy that may not have bought before.

After more tips to show customers the value of your product? For more marketing tricks and strategies, check out this book here: 50 Marketing Tips & Tricks Learned After $100 Million in Sales Over 20 Years!

How To Unban Your Banned Facebook Advertising Account

There is nothing more frustrating than going to run a Facebook ad and seeing it disapproved or banned completely. Even worse is when Facebook deactivates your ads account as a whole. People experience this with their business and personal accounts all the time. It can be devastating, especially if you can't get back online. Still, if your account has been banned from running ads, it may not be the end of the world.

New or Reinstated

The First step you will need to take is to figure out what's going on and with which account. If your Facebook business account has been disabled, you may simply be able to create a new one and try to be careful in the future. If your personal Facebook account has been disabled, however, there may be something going that is much more serious. Creating a new personal Facebook account for ads will probably not be possible since Facebook is usually very meticulous about tracing duplicates.

First Things First, Visit The Ads Manager

Before you do anything, you will want to visit your main marketing control center on Facebook, the Facebook Ads manager for business. Once you're in the Facebook Ads Manager, you should see a yellow bar at the top that indicates your account is no longer active. This box should contain a link that you can click. Once you click, it should guide you through a series of instructions and questions that you guide you through the process of reinstating your account.

Alternatively, you can also go all the way up to the support center, which may be hard to spot at first. It should appear in the top-right corner at a "?" logo. A scroll-down menu will pop out. Navigate to the bottom of the screen where it says you need "more help" and contact customer support.

Check Your Email

If for some reason you're not seeing this yellow bar and the Facebook ads manager isn't working for you, check your email. Check both your spam and your inbox folders to see if Facebook contacted you there. This email, too, should contain a link guiding you through the process.

Go Directly To The Source

If neither of the above options are working for you, you can still appeal directly to Facebook, depending on the nature of your concern. If your Facebook ads account was simply restricted, for example, because it was flagged for suspicious activity, you can visit this linkand follow the steps there to contact Facebook directly. Meanwhile, if your account was disabled completely, you can contact them here.

There is a real possibility that Facebook may have been wrong, or we simply made a simple mistake that Facebook may understand. Simply explain your situation politely and diplomatically, and with as much information and detail as possible. If you word your appeal right, you may get your ads account back in business.

Prevention is The Best Medicine

Having your Facebook ads account disabled for any reason can be disastrous, and a downright business nightmare. It may not be the end of the world, but if you can avoid this ordeal, do so at all costs. Prevention is usually key, and you should consider the following points to stay in business and on top of your Facebook ads game:

-Familiarize yourself with all of Facebook's guidelines and Ad policies, any violations could get you cut off the platform completely, and you don't want that!
-Have a legal expert draft your privacy policy, refund policy, terms & conditions, and custom disclaimers. They are required, well-written ones are a plus
-Landing pages, in most cases should include your business name and contact information
-Optimize user experiences. Don't advertise sites full of pop-ups, broken links, or poorly structured text that provides them with a poor experience
-Don't publish ads that are spammy, clickbaitish, or even borderline offensive
-Always make sure all info is 100% accurate and true in all your content
-Once your account is reinstated (if disabled), try to use a different payment method from the old one in order to avoid an accidental penalty from Facebook, and having to go through this again.

Since you're already doing advertising on Facebook, you should definitely check out this free trial of Automated Ads where you can automate your Facebook advertising as though you have a pro ad manager but without the need of paying a fortune!

How Outsourcing An Offer That You Sell Can Make More Money For Your Business

There’s only so much time in the day, and although it can be a great idea to add extra services that you sell and fulfill yourself, it’s not...