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 Animal Lovers


Most of my life I am involved in one way or another with animals. They seem to communicate with me and I feel I understand them.  My own personal pets give me much pleasure.

Presently I have one little 2 1/2 year old male dog called Sammie. He is a Sheltie, full of energy, mischievous and a nervous Nellie. He is also full of fun and I love him dearly.

Through the years I have had cats and dogs, a ferret, many birds, a few rabbits, two rats and one exceptional skunk who I named 'Flower', of course. They all had their personal stories and quirks. Each one allowed me into a delightful world I wouldn't have known if they were not in my life.

Since I am a writer, I fully intend to create stories on each one defining those special quirks and I want to share them with children so they too can share in that special world.

I don't think I am alone in having special experiences with critters. Other animal lovers have told me their stories too. They are priceless. On that note, I would love to hear from all you out there who have had or have animals so we can share  belly laughs and that appreciation for living things.

So between my tips on business that I want to share, I also will post some of the adventures I have experienced. Hopefully you will let me post some of your delightful experiences too.

I am also here as emotional support for those who have had their dear furry and feathered ones depart this earth way too early or have suffered a loss of some kind where you had to be separated from your pet. I am here for you. Please feel free to tell me and perhaps by sharing we can lighten the load. Till next time, I wish you much love and laughter.


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