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How To Optimize Your Content For On-Page SEO

Search engines remain one of the most common tools users are utilizing to find things online, Google of course being the most prominent among them. Search engine optimization is therefore key and making your site visible and getting your content on more eyes. You need traffic to build an audience, and an audience to build conversions. That starts with search engine optimization. There are different types of search engine optimization including off-page and on-page, and the rules vary a little by search engine.

For the sake of this post we will focus on practical ways you can create your written content in a way that optimizes your on-page content for Google.

Choosing Your Keyword

The first step in optimizing any content you write is going to be choosing your “keyword” the keyword is the main word in your text, which you want to stick out to search engines. In other words you want to try and think of a keyword that users searching for what your page has to offer, would type into a search engine. You then must attach that keyword to engaging and relevant content to draw people in.

It's important the keyword is related to the content, makes sense, and provides useful and accurate information, don't use “click-bait” and other deceitful tactics or Google, along with your users, may view you as untrustworthy.

In general, you should try to use “long tail” keywords, or keywords that are written as common phrases or terms people might input into a search engine, that usually consists of four words or more. Before you choose a keyword you'll want to do keyword research. Keyword research involves finding a keyword that is relevant to the content you want to promote, is a popularly used search term, and is easy to rank against the competition. You can use Google keyword research tool or a an automated programs like Web Fire which also tells you how you rank against the competition for your chosen keywords.

Headings, Subheadings, and Plain Text

All of your titles and subtitles should try to include your keyword. Most importantly it should be included in your main heading, and as many subheadings as you can. Your keyword also needs to be incorporated naturally and somewhat frequently (but not too frequently) throughout the body of your main texts. You need to use the keyword as much as you can but essentially without seeming like you're trying to. Because google may penalize you for “keyword” stuffing you don't want to overdo it. In the old days SEO experts used to tell to put the keyword in every paragraph and every sentence that you could, but this is no longer the case.

Many experts recommend a keyword density of 1% or 2% of your entire text bodies, but others say there's really no real rule of thumb.

Images and Alt Text

All content should contain imagery, it makes a post more engaging and for many it just feels more accurate when there's picture in front us to support the text. Relevant images are very important in search engine optimization as well. The “alt text” for instance should be considered. The alt text of in image is simply that let little text caption that pops up whenever you hover your mouse over an imagine.

The alt text of an image plays a role in search engine placement as well and should include the keyword you want to optimize.

Links for Trust and Click-Through

For the sake of search engine optimization every post should have links. There's just something about them that make a page more appealing visually, but they also boost your search engine ranking. Every post, if possible, you should include at least two or three linked references to high authority websites to establish trust.

As you develop more content on your page you'll also want to create links to that as well. Try writing your content in a way that may loosely relate to something you've produced before, and include a link to it. Whenever possible try to get at least two or three links on your page to content you've produced before, as long as its loosely similar subject matter to your current post.

Using Optimized Tools

Optimizing content for SEO is anything but easy. Many times the devil is in the details and it's a lot to remember, but you should get the hang of things in time as you learn more and more. Luckily, there is an easier way. You can also create original, already optimized content using automated programs like Robot Author to save you the time and headache.

Why Title Tags are Important for Ranking Your Website

Anyone who owns a website and publishes original content on it wants to see the site ranked higher on Google and other search engines. While many may believe that writing a top-quality piece of content, publishing it, and promoting it is enough to make the website successful, it is certainly not. In this era of fierce competition when thousands of websites are competing for the same kind of audience.

In such a competitive environment, SEO practices play an essential role in website ranking. According to Moz – a renowned SEO software – title tags are the second most crucial factor for ranking your website after the content. Title tags can be the make or break factor in the success of your website. Optimized title tags are essential in boosting the ranking of your website as well as increases its traffic. Many programs like Web Fire can also help websites in writing unique titles and content to enure the website is ranked higher. Sometimes, the ranking might be higher, but the clicks can still be low due to bad or unattractive title tags.
This article discusses all of the important information about title tags and why they are vital in the ranking of a website.

What is a Title Tag?

Title tags are not much different from the titles in books and magazines, except that the title helps in the ranking of articles on the search engine results page (SERP). An attractive title that follows SEO standard will always rank higher. Title tags are displayed on SERPs as the clickable text for the keyword searched by a user. They provide an accurate and brief description of the content.

Usually, Google displays 40-60 characters of a title tag. Therefore, it often recommended keeping the title tags under 50 characters so that it is fully displayed by the search engines, and readers are more likely to click.

Importance of Title Tags in Ranking of a Website

Title tags are one of the most critical factors in helping search engines getting familiar with the content of your website. Moreover, the title is the very first impression that people will have on your website.

Title tags are relevant in ranking your website due to the following reasons:

High Ranking on SERPs

The title tag of your article will determine its rank on the search engine result page. The more attractive and better it is, the higher it will be ranked, which means a large number of people are likely to click on it.

A Unique Title Tag

A unique title tag will help search engines like Google to understand the uniqueness and credibility of the content. As a result, your content will stand out from the thousands of web pages present on the web, and the website will be ranked higher.

Promotion on Social Network

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram use the title tag of an article to determine what to show when that page is shared. Hence, a captivating title tag is vital for the promotion of your website.

How to write good Title Tags?

Now we are familiar with the importance of good title tags. We also will want to learn about standard SEO practices to write engaging title tags.

Keep an Optimum Length of Title Tag

A long title is cut off, and ellipsis is automatically added by the search engine. You should keep the title under 60 characters long. Moreover, avoid capitalizing the title as some users may find it difficult to read, and it will dramatically limit the number of characters to be displayed.

Do not add excessive SEO keywords

The primary keyword should not be used excessively as it is a bad SEO practice. For example, a title like “Buy clothes, best clothes available, discounted clothes” is not a good title as it overemphasizes the keyword "clothes." These types of the title are often flagged by the search engines for inappropriate uses, so you should avoid them.

Write a unique title for each page of the website

Unique titles are essential in distinguishing the content of pages and attracting new users. Sometimes, it is not possible to write a completely unique title since millions of pages are already on the web on various topics. However, modern tools and code-based templates are present, which can help you in writing an engaging title tag.

Write important keywords at the start

Keywords that are at the start of a title tag have more impact on the search ranking. Moreover, people are also more likely to read the first few words of a search result, so it is highly recommended that you write the keywords at the start of a title tag to attract more traffic and rank your website higher.

If you have a website and want to make sure you have the best title tags and SEO optimiztion you should consider programs like Web Fire. You'll be able to root check out any issues with your website and substantially improve its SEO rankings.

For The Love of Dogs

 Ever notice when you are talking to your dog that he looks a little concerned? My little Sammie is very intense when I talk to him, as if he is listening to me for the very first time.

I really appreciate that because it always makes me laugh. It also makes me so grateful to have him because he cares enough to pay attention to me.

One other thing that he teaches me is to live in the moment. When you think about all the time our dogs put in just waiting for us to come through the door, it is truly a miracle they still love us.

They also wait for us to realize there is fun just around the corner. My little guy likes to initiate games to get me going. 

I don't know how many times I think he is doing something to mess up what I just finished only to realize he is doing it to get me to perk up. He creates these games just for me. I think that is pretty special.

My favorite is when he takes the throw rug in the bathroom and crumples it up, then waits for me to go in there to find it. I put it back in place and he waits till I am gone and does it again. We both enjoy the inter-action.

The joy he finds in the simplest things always amazes me. I have a tendency to work too hard so making me stop is one of his favorite occupations. I now take my time with many things, less frustration and time for play while doing it.

That is now my attitude about running a business. Which is why I am including my love of animals in my business website. It is a part of me I can't separate from my identity and I want to share who I am with you. On that note, time to go play. Talk again soon......

Why Your Website Never Ranks Well

In terms of cost-efficiency, the most crucial method for attracting traffic to your website is through organic searches. They allow you to reach people who don't even know about your site initially but are searching for a specific product or service related to your website. The primary factor of the success in organic searches boils down to the ranking of your website on search engine results pages (SERPs).
There are a ton of factors that may contribute to your website may not be ranking well on search engines. Some of these reasons are:

A Slow Website

Millions of search results are available to the user as soon as they enter a keyword into a search engine like Google. With such a massive amount of data available on the Web, it's become challenging to hold users' attention for extended periods of time.

Pages that load faster not only provide excellent user experiences but also play a huge role in SEO ranking. Site speed is an official search ranking algorithm in Google that should be kept in mind during website development and management. If your website is not being ranked well, you must ensure that it can be loaded quickly on any desktop along with mobile devices. Mobile site speed is just as important.

Ambiguous Keywords and Title Tags

Ranking your website will become difficult; it is not clear to search engines what kind of products, services, and solutions you are providing to your users and their concerns. Content must be made clear. Make it easily understandable people, what they are reading. The use of appropriate keywords is a necessity in achieving clarity in your content.
Title tags are a crucial part of website ranking. Tags that start with a critical keywords perform much better than those in which the keyword is placed in different positions. Make sure that the title tags of your website are appropriate and work with the content of your website.

Similarly, many publishers make the mistake of writing an ambiguous descriptions and headings that are not related to the content of the page. As a result, such pages are penalized in the ranking.

Unoptimized Content

Content optimization is essential for the ranking of a website. It includes the optimization of the written content as well as images, audio, and other visuals used on a website. Many people use Google to search visual content, and if your website does not have optimized images, it is unlikely to be ranked high on the SERPs. High-quality images, videos, infographics, and other media content must be used to provide a good signal to Google for more top content ranking.

Poor Quantity and Quality of Inbound Links

Generally, a large number of links from other websites to your pages will ensure a high ranking of your website. The quality of the links also matters in this regard, so the links should originate from authority websites.
Irregular Publishing

It is not enough to just publish an optimized post on your website every week or so. Instead, the publishing should be regular and consistent to boost website rankings.

It has been shown that many websites are don't rank well because of irregular publications. Usually, SEO ranking experts suggest uploading at least two to three high-quality posts per week. Regular updates from your website help in engaging your audience, and the traffic will increase too.

The latest content on your sites makes it clear to search engines that you are still active on the website and working on it to make the content fresh and relevant. Moreover, the material should be adapted according to the circumstances of the publication time. In other words, stay up to date. This way, you're most likely to rank very high on search engines. Why? Because your page will provide relevant content about what's going on NOW.

SEO Practices are not being followed

SEO is one of the hottest topics in website management today. Many courses, books, blogs, and guides are available on the internet about the best practices of SEO. Having an SSL certification on your website, using suitable title tags, uploading relevant content, writing engaging meta descriptions, and implementing on-page SEO practices are some of the many latest SEO trends that increase the ranking of your website.

The focus of strong SEO is how content of your website will stand out in the search engines to ensure its ranking improves. If you've had trouble ranking your website, you probably haven't implemented good SEO practices.
If you have a website that's not seeing the ranks you desire consider programs like Web Fire. You'll be able to root out issues with your website and substantially improve its rankings in a fraction of the time and cost it would entail if you tried to go without.

 Animal Lovers


Most of my life I am involved in one way or another with animals. They seem to communicate with me and I feel I understand them.  My own personal pets give me much pleasure.

Presently I have one little 2 1/2 year old male dog called Sammie. He is a Sheltie, full of energy, mischievous and a nervous Nellie. He is also full of fun and I love him dearly.

Through the years I have had cats and dogs, a ferret, many birds, a few rabbits, two rats and one exceptional skunk who I named 'Flower', of course. They all had their personal stories and quirks. Each one allowed me into a delightful world I wouldn't have known if they were not in my life.

Since I am a writer, I fully intend to create stories on each one defining those special quirks and I want to share them with children so they too can share in that special world.

I don't think I am alone in having special experiences with critters. Other animal lovers have told me their stories too. They are priceless. On that note, I would love to hear from all you out there who have had or have animals so we can share  belly laughs and that appreciation for living things.

So between my tips on business that I want to share, I also will post some of the adventures I have experienced. Hopefully you will let me post some of your delightful experiences too.

I am also here as emotional support for those who have had their dear furry and feathered ones depart this earth way too early or have suffered a loss of some kind where you had to be separated from your pet. I am here for you. Please feel free to tell me and perhaps by sharing we can lighten the load. Till next time, I wish you much love and laughter.


Five Super Important Things to Rank Your Site

What is a Ranking in SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is meant for the betterment of web pages to help search engines rank them accordingly. In SEO, ranking indicates the position of a website’s page on what's called the search engine results pages (SERPs).
According to Google, the ranking of a website is vital because it helps in showing the relevant search results. It is also essential for the organization of largescale data present on the web and making the information reachable and valuable to people all around the world.

The ranking also makes it easier for Google to catalog the pages based on the optimization and quality of the pages.
The five most important factors in ranking of a website are:

1. Secure Website

The right URL is secure and easily accessible. A secure and accessible URL is probably the most important ranking factor of any website. Google’s bots should be able to access and crawl URLs for the information they need.
In other words, websites that have URLs that Google can visit and review easily, are more likely to rank higher on the SERPs.

To improve the ranking of your website by making it secure, you need to consider the following:
• A well-developed website through a standard website builder.
• Robots.txt file that is used by Google to determine where it can and cannot view the website information.
• A thorough sitemap which gives the details of all of your pages.

2. Page Speed

Page speed is one of the primary SEO ranking factors for many years. Websites that have rapid-loading webpages give an excellent experience to the users. Faster websites are highly preferred by search engines in any ranking system.
Since 2018, Google has taken into account the page speed on mobile devices as well as PCs. Therefore, website developers should consider smart devices and their loading speeds as well.

3. Mobile Responsiveness

Smartphones and other smart devices have become ubiquitous in the last decade. The majority of users on the web use mobile devices to browse websites. Hence, the mobile-friendliness of a website is a major ranking factor today. It has impacted the SERPs a lot because now, only mobile responsive websites are ranked on the first few pages of Google and other search engines.

Google implements a mobile-first index, which means that the results of the searched keywords are drawn from the mobile-optimized pages. Your website must be mobile responsive if you have a desire to see it ranked high on Google.

Some important factors included in website friendliness are:
• A responsive site that can fit and resize according to the device.
• Fonts are large enough to be readable on small screens.
• Different menus and pages can be accessed and navigated easily.
• Ads are placed appropriately and do not hide the content.

4. Content-Length

Some SEO experts do not consider the content length to be an important factor in the ranking of pages. However, it can be observed from the general ranking on Google that websites that have unique, engaging, relevant, and an appropriate word count are ranked higher than the others.

There is no hard and fast rule on the content length. A long piece of writing is appreciated in SEO ranking because it takes time and energy to create a unique and engaging long content.

However, there must be a balance in length. An excessively long and uninteresting piece of writing content will not attract many people to your website, which will adversely impact rankings.

Recent trends in Google rankings have shown that content length should never be ignored, and long-form content is performing better at the top of the SERPs. As a general rule, 1,000 words or more is optimal for most general content.

5. Domain Age and Authority

Data about the top-ranked websites on Google suggests that the old websites are ranked higher than the new websites. The main reason for this is that the old site is usually optimized over a period of a few years. In some cases, the domain name also accounts for the ranking of a website.

Some researches show that domains that match to each other and that are relevant, useful, and highly-optimized enjoy a significant ranking boost. However, your URL must reflect the nature of your business.

Authority is also another factor in SEO ranking. It consists of SEO signals like inbound links, social media impressions, and page authority. All of this requires a great deal of research, time, and experience, but the process can be made simple by automating it all through advanced programs. Highly ranked websites and SERPs are possible and you no longer have to be a digital marketing expert to make it all work. Web Fire is a great way to make this process fast and simple.

Understanding the Importance of Schema

1: What is Schema?

Schema is best described as a type of language and coding system. It helps organize the data and shows more relevant results in search engines for the end user. This system began in 2011 and has widely been supported and used by several search engines like Yandex, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google as an attempt to bring more pin-pointed results to their users.

Schema is often referred to as a markup system that is used to optimized websites. Essentially, it paves the way for search engines to interpret information and show the most relevant results.

Now, if you think that Schema doesn't apply perfectly to your website, you couldn't be more wrong. Schema can offer a variety of features that you perfectly image and optimize to your advantage.

The most surprising thing about schema is that it collects and displays every meager detail about the data you have questions about. For example, if you search for a specific hotel in your area on the Google search engine, you'll see every detail, including opening and closing times, availability, amenities, along with other relevent information that the hotel has for its customers on the Google search page.

2: What Is a Schema in Psychology?

The term Schema was coined by a psychologist named Jean Piaget in 1923, which means a plan or a scheme. He defined Schema as a structured knowledge of a person about affairs, entities, places, and people. Schema is more or less a map or blueprint that allows us to learn and gain knowledge more effectively. It helps people gain new knowledge on new subjects with greater ease.

As you build on the knowledge of people, places, entities, and events, things begin to make sense as we build a foundation with something similar to schema. In other words schema is a way to make things easier to learn by continually building on foundational knowledge. Consider your cellphone for instance. You know how to use the smartphone you have now because it follows a similar frame work to older models you had in the best. Once you have the frame work in place it becomes easier to build on that knowledge over time as cellphones became more complicated the new technology was easier to learn.

Schema is learning and the psychology could be best described as the building of knowledge through time and experience. Each experience we have prepares us for the next one, and incorporates more information into your schema.

When setting up your schema for your website you are assisting the end user in obtaining informative results about your website.

3: what’s the importance of Schema?

1: A website's schema clarifies to the search engine what you business is all about. Schema markups used by the websites are more visible and engaging than those without markups. And also makes the page eye-catching and informative with relevant snippets and images.

2: Schema markup assists you in the management of your business brand, when you change your brand name or add contact information like name, phone number, address, etc. it will let the search engines know and update accordingly.

3: If you are using a Schema markup to optimize a website, the search engine will recognize your business and will help the users by providing them the most relevant result for their search.

4: Schema markup optimizes the website and contributes to the rank of a website among top competitors. It also provides additional support to the users, which allows them to decide whether a website has what they want or not.

4: How does Schema affect Search Engine Optimization?

The use of the schema technique for SEO has countless benefits. It is important to use it on a perfectly tailored data structure within the efficiently formulated website that contains unique content. It takes the way your content is indexed and relays it to the end user in a way that is most helpful to them. When carried out the right way, you'll see an increase in traffic and user engagement. Schema markup constitutes a good chance to get your website ranked higher than those of your competitors.

5: WebFire:

So how do you create your own schema? It can be complicated when trying to set it up from scratch, however, you can make setting up a Schema easy! Shawn Casey and Brian Koz are two of the top internet marketers online today. After spending over $100k, they developed the most powerful SEO tool on the web known as Web Fire which is comprised of 22 SEO tools developed to optimize and rank your website. One of these tools walks you through the entire set up of a schema for your website. Take all the guess work out and get started today creating your schema today. Web Fire

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